Development Plan




Overall Outcome
  • All people of Yacata enjoy a high and sustainable level of economic prosperity, social wellbeing, and cultural and spiritual growth
3 Contributing Outcomes
  1. Cultural & Spiritual Growth 
  2. Social Wellbeing  
  3. Economic Prosperity & Self-sufficiency
Cultural & Spiritual Growth
n  A. People of Yacata worshipping with a shared and common purpose and grow spiritually
n  B. All people of Yacata are aware of, and take pride in, their history, heritage and cultural practices and its importance to their identity.

Social Wellbeing
n  People of Yacata have good and ongoing support and services to enable them to realize their social aspirations and be part of wider Fiji society

Economic Prosperity & Self-sufficiency
n  Natural assets of Yacata and its people are developed in a sustainable manner to realise their economic development potential for the benefit of people of Yacata.
n  People of Yacata become economically self sufficient and able to support their families with an adequate standard of living and income level.

 Strategies to Achieve Outcomes

Outcome:  Cultural & Spiritual Growth
n  New Church
n  Affirming the role of the church and purpose and value of worship by supporting the welfare and financial upkeep of the church minister on Yacata
n  Holding of regular monthly church services for those in urban areas
n  Vale ni Lotu e Yacata
n  Promotion and maintenance of cultural practices, protocols, values & ethos through youth classes and activities for communal sharing of life stories
n  Support for and promotion of communal harmony and living through communal activities and projects
n  - Documenting of heritage sites and history and life stories of Yacata using the internet technology

Outcome:  Social Wellbeing
n  Upgrade and maintenance of key utilities and infrastructures on Yacata namely; water, electricity, postal services, transport etc
n  Work towards the purchase of a mid to large size boat for transport between Yacata and neighbouring islands for the purpose of sourcing needed supplies and carriage of passengers
n  Target young people of Yacata to realise the value of education and raise their level of participation at all levels of education
n  Develop and manage an education fund to support Yacata pupils and students in their study

Outcome:  Economic Prosperity & Self Sufficiency
n  Undertake a skills audit of Yacata in urban areas to assess their employment prospects
n  - Undertake work search programmes for Yacata people in urban areas
n  Scope possibility for beekeeping and honey venture on Yacata
n  Development of Yacata as an eco-tourism site with forest & marine reserve areas
n  Promotion of small business as an enterprise option
n  Support and facilitate people of Yacata to secure their own homes as equity source for business development

n  People – Yacata in Govt, business, overseas etc
n  Natural & heritage assets
n  Relationships & Networks
n  IT – website
n  $$

          -Yacata Trust – social, cultural & spiritual
          -Yacata Development Holding

Key Timelines
n  December 2006
n  Launch Yacata Plan
n  Official Launch –
n  2007-2010
n  Business projects
n  Urban employment of Yacata people
n  Upgrade social services infrastructures
n  Ongoing fundraising -  third party sponsors (overseas etc..)
n  Vanua & Yavusa unity focus projects
n  Youth & education development
n  Annual Monitoring & Reporting of Plan
n  5 year review of Plan

n  Yacata outcome = Plan outcome
n  Yacata outcome contributes to Government Outcome
n  Strength based in partnership with “others”
n  Three outcome areas
n  Capabilities from within then without

Oqo nai tuvatuva vakacaca ni Veivakatorocaketaki me baleti Yacata sa muri tiko. Nai tuvatuva oqo e muria tikoga e dua nai tuvatuva taumada mai vei iratou na veiliutaki tiko ena cicivaki ni sasaga ni soqosoqo ni Yacata e Suva ena vica na yabaki sa oti. E umana tiko nai tuvatuva oqo na ulutaga e tolu ni veivakatorocaketaki kei nai tuvatuva ni vatulewa ena kena qaravi na cakacaka eso e tiko ena i tuvatuva oqo. E dei tiko kina nai sema ni veiliutaki e vanua kei ira era tu ena vanua ni cakacaka. Na vei ka kece e sa qaravi se sasagataki tiko e kovuti kece tiko enai tuvatuva ni veivatorocaketaki oqo.

E bibi me vadeitaki kina ni tiko na ka e na qaravi e liu me vaka na bula vakayalo, ka sa mai tara oti kina na valeni lotu e Yacata. Na qaravi ni bula raraba ena veisiga e bibi sara vei ira mai nakoro me vaka na qaravi ni wai, livaliva, talevoni, na dola ni posi, dua na waqa ni koro kei na qaravi ni vuli kei na tiko bulabula.

Na ulutaga ni vakatubuilavo kei na bisinisi ena balavu na kena sasagataki kei na kena vakavotukanataki. I'a sa tiko e vica na sasaga sa dikevi malua tiko ka gadrevi kina na soli vakasama kei na cau vakailavo eso mai vei ira na tabana ni veivakatorocaketaki e taudaku.

Vei iratou kece sara na ulutaga e tolu oqori, sa tiko na sasaga kei na vakasama me ra tosoi tiko kina. Nai tukutuku kece e tabaki tiko ena blog oqo e nuitaki me na qai lave kina Website ni koro ni bera ni oti na yabaki oqo. E vakayagataki tikoga o koya oqo me wasei tiko kina nai tukutuku sa tiko rawa.

E gadrevi na soli vakasama kei na nanuma ena veika sa tabaki tiko yani oqo. Vinaka vakalevu.